How to Help Moms Successfully Return to Work

The Mom Project: What returning mothers want from the workplace.

Taking into consideration the reasons moms re-enter the workforce is key to attracting and retaining motivated top talent. To uncover the four most important drivers, we asked more than 950 mothers interested in return-to-work opportunities to rate what matters to them at work.

This is what they told us …

1. Validation

Validation for women re-entering the workforce comes from several places. They want to know they are valued for their skills. They want to know that they are valued for the contributions they can make as individual contributors. And in re-entering the workforce, they want to show family members, employers, friends and themselves the complexity and value they bring to the tables as both mothers and professionals.

2. Support

Moms don’t want to have to hide or make apologies for their paid-work gaps. Make it clear they don’t have to. Our respondents also said they appreciate opportunities to train as they work, brushing up on existing work skills and learning new ones.

10192-_Community_Blog_Icons_communication"I want to do my job and they want me to do my job, and I appreciate that they value moms coming back into the workforce.”

"The Return to [Paid] Work Report: Driving Successful Transitions" Survey Response

3. Respect

Working for an employer who shows respect for work-life integration priorities is paramount to women re-entering the workforce. They report that having that kind of respect from an employer allows them to truly focus on their work while still being present for their families.

4. Benefits

Re-entering workers report wanting to receive competitive pay as well as benefits such as healthcare programs and 401k plans. Moms also value highly flexible working arrangements, paid time off, and opportunities for advancement as they get comfortable and thrive in their workplace.

10192-_Community_Blog_Icons_cultureWhy Moms Go Back to Work

  • 83% say financial considerations contribute strongly to their desire to return to work
  • 75% want to use existing or learn new skills.

Source: WerkLabs

Now that You Know … 

So what do you do with this information? Let it inform your company’s return-to-work program. If you don’t have one, let The Mom Project help you create yours. They act as a critical bridge between being a parent and coming back as a thriving part of the workforce. 

Return-to-Work Success Tools

Moms re-entering the workforce say these tools or programs would benefit them most. 


  • Work Skills Refresh/ Resume Gap Support 54% 
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration Mentoring 49%
  • Career Mentorship 47%
  • Management/Leadership Training 38%
  • Business Tools Training 32%

For more in-depth information and insights on what returning moms want from the workplace, read our full report, “ The Return to [Paid] Work Report: Driving Successful Transitions”. 

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