Talking Flexibility with Your Team

Written by The Mom Project | Nov 12, 2020 5:36:33 AM

Talking openly to your team about options, concerns and considerations is key to rolling out a successful flex-work program. The good news is The Mom Project is here to help guide those conversations based on insights gleaned from our partners at WerkLabs, the employee experience experts. 

Read  “The Four Types of Flex Working”  to familiarize yourself with the different types of flex-work options

Start by scheduling one-on-one conversations with team members interested flex work and then  … 

Let Employees LeadEmployees are sure to have questions. Ask your team to send questions and concerns ahead of time so you’re ready with answers, if possible, or updates, if not. 

Listen Without Judgement—Make it clear upfront that requests will be weighed against one measure—practicality. If it makes sense for the business, stakeholders and the employee, the reasons behind a request should be of no real concern to you. 

Test the Plan Together—Talk through how requests potentially impact projects and people internal and out. Express any questions or concerns about the proposed plan with a focus on what’s practical within roles and your company culture. 

End on Alignment—Ask for written recaps summarizing everyone’s understanding of what’s been decided and next steps, including approvals, timing and communication. Be sure to respond with any clarifications in writing so everyone is aligned.  

Remember Your 4 Conversation Keys
  1. Let Employees Lead
  2. Listen Without Judgement
  3. Test the Plan Together
  4. End on Alignment

Let us know how your conversations go and send any follow-up questions to us on social at @TheMomProject.