Employees want more flexibility in the workplace, but many companies struggle to respond. According to The Future is Flexible: The Importance of Flexibility in the Modern Workplace, only 47% of employees feel they have access to the flexibility they need.
Only 47% of employees feel they have access to the flexibility they need.
Creating a successful remote work experience will be critical for companies—both now and long-term. The first step is understanding the drivers that matter most to employees. WerkLabs uncovered the key drivers to creating an engaged and productive remote workforce. We put together a helpful guide for the three key areas managers should focus on as they lead a remote workforce.
Here are key questions to address within your leadership team if you’re ready to talk about remote work.
Tip: Touch points with individuals and your team are important, but avoid “Zoom fatigue” and video call burnout by deciding what priorities need to be a video meeting versus what can be worked through or discussed over email/chat.
Tip: As you think about communication channels, it's critical to identify what content can and should be accessed after the communication is delivered - such as when new team members are onboarded, or as needed for historical reference.
Want to learn more about the employee experience? Watch our webinar featuring WerkLabs President Dr. Pam Cohen.